With razor-thin margins in the dairy market, U.S. dairy producers are rapidly embracing beef-on-dairy breeding programs to add profit to their bottom line. Leading economists, like Dan Basse of AgResource Company, say this hot beef demand will continue for at least four years.
“Our problem is as we model out the beef herd, we do not see models for expansions today as we keep back some cows. But the beef herd has a long way to go,” Basse stated on a recent U.S. Farm Report live taping at World Dairy Expo. “So, if I think about it, this is three to four years at a minimum. We are still retaining heifers to a big degree, that doesn’t allow us to really accelerate beef production anytime soon.”
The 2023 Milk Business Conference has an amazing line-up of speakers that will address many of the challenges that dairy producers face every single day. As well as opportunities that producers should consider exploring, such as beef-on-dairy. This panel will address how dairy producers can make even more money with beef-on-dairy at Milk Business Conference including Bob Sato with Friona Industries, Josh White with the National Cattlemen’s Association and Denton Ross, owner of the Arizona Dairy Company.
October 12, 2023