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Is it Time to Rethink Dairy Cow Lifespan?


A cow has a natural life expectancy of up to 20 years. Today, the average productive lifespan of a U.S. dairy cow is about 3 years.

“Productive” lifespan is defined as the length of time cows live after they have their first calf and start producing milk. Because most cows calve in for the first time at about 2 years of age, that means, on average, cows are living a total of about 5 years.

A few years ago, University of Florida Professor of Dairy Science Dr. Albert DeVries published an article in the Journal of Dairy Science examining the issue of productive lifespan. DeVries noted that dairy cow productive lifespan is a complicated and evolving issue, and one that can vary significantly based on conditions and priorities of individual herds.


September 29, 2023


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