Producers are challenged paying the bills with the lack-lusting prices that have shown up on milk checks this summer. Independent financial consultant, Gary Sipiorski, shares six tips to focus on during financial tough times.
Conduct family and staff meetings so everyone understands what’s going on. Be realistic, not pessimistic about your dairy financial situation.
Reconsider all expenses.
Cows don’t understand that milk prices are considerably less than a year ago. Keep taking care of your cows. Now is not the time to make shortcuts.
With the high price of beef, take a hard look at culling that will take a minimum hit to the bulk tank.
Gather with your lender to talk about finances. Have the funds approved for an operating loan, even if you don’t need them right now. Make sure you bring a financial projection for the remainder of 2023 to the meeting.
Keep on leading. The owner sets the atmosphere for all.
July 20, 2023